Presenting the model of antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior

Document Type : Original Article


1 public adminastration,,iran,,islamic azad university ,sanandaj

2 Management, Human Sciences, Azad Islami, Sanandaj, Iran


Presenting and validating a model of antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior


Today, successful organizations seek to attract employees who perform behaviors beyond their role, developed theoretical frameworks and empirical studies try to identify the antecedents and consequences of organizational citizenship behavior. In line with this research, after filtering the articles, finally, 34 articles that directly addressed the antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior were entered into the analysis stage in the Max Kyuda software. After integration, 70 open codes were identified, and The identified codes of social value codes with 3 references, moral norm with 3 references, supervisor support with 3 references and autonomy with 3 references had the highest number of references in research texts at higher levels of codes in the form of 16 concepts and finally 7 codes. selected (individual factors, organizational factors, behavioral factors, sustainable leadership styles, mental health, policy making and social responsibility) were determined.


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